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Confident Speech e-learning programs

Everyone agrees! It can be tricky to pronounce some words in English correctly.  Avoid mistakes with some of the most commonly mispronounced words in English.  Our affordable self-study e-learning programs teach you to recognize and correct these common errors!  Internet access is required.  PC and Mac compatible. Easy! Fun! Foolproof! 
Each program: $4.70.

Learn more and TRY DEMOS!

Who Can Benefit?

You can benefit from our services if your speech and voice patterns prevent you from communicating effectively in social or professional situations.

A great many professions depend on clear speaking. Most people are surprised at how easily they can improve their skills in making presentations to groups. Our accent modification program is right for you, if you have difficulty conversing with clients, supervisors, employees, and colleagues; talking on the telephone; making presentations; or getting your point across efficiently. Age is no barrier to success in pronunciation training.

Scroll down this page to see examples of people, like you, who can benefit from the accent modification and oral communication classes offered by Confident Speech.

scientist financial advisor corporate executive
bank officer customer service representative corporate trainer
engineer athlete supervisor