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Student presenting with a microphone in front of a crowd


Past clients say…

"I have good news. I had four on-campus interviews, received three offers, and just decided to take an offer of an assistant professor position. I thank you again for your help. Your suggestions on my interviews were useful in many occasions throughout my job search. During my campus visits I had 1-hour presentations on my research paper, and many people told me they liked it. Working with you I learned about the importance of intonation in spoken English. I also gained confidence, and both helped me for my presentations."

N.T., Assistant Professor

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Business Communication: Effective Speaking

Oral communication skills are crucial in today's business and professional environments. They have a tremendous impact on whether you or your company succeed. You need to be able to convey your ideas with an impact that is convincing.

You can easily improve your communication effectiveness by meeting the needs of your listeners. To understand you, your listeners need you to have clear pronunciation and voice with adequate loudness and pitch variation. They also need you to organize your message and to present new information in a way that makes sense to them.

Many people feel unsure of their oral communication skills. The good news is that at Confident Speech, you can make dramatic improvement easily and quickly.

If you would like to have more impact when you make oral presentations, participate in meetings, talk with clients, or communicate with professional and business colleagues, the services offered at Confident Speech are on target for you.

Tell us what your concerns are. We are happy to present you with several affordable options. Please, call or email, and one of our representatives will arrange to speak briefly with you over the telephone.